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Key Scientific Staff

Assoc. Prof. Franco Marenco (CyI) is the initiator and coordinator of Dust-DN. Franco leads the Remote Sensing group of CARE-C (4 collaborators), investigating the transboundary transport of atmospheric constituents. Previously scientific manager of Satellite Imagery (Met Office, UK: a team of up to 7). Has taken part in several airborne campaigns, and he led AER-D and CyI’s contribution to ASKOS. Currently leads UAV- and lidar-based observations of the free troposphere. He will supervise DC2 and DC3, help co-supervise DC7, DC10 and DC13.

Assoc. Prof. Theo Christoudias (CyI) leads the Earth System Modelling Group of CARE-C. Developed a high-resolution atmospheric composition modelling system over the Eastern Mediterranean, based on the regional WRF-Chem with online coupled atmospheric chemistry and aerosol. Previously International Fellow at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), USA. (Co-)authored more than 180 peer-reviewed journal publications. He will supervise DC1.

Dr. Jonilda Kushta (Research Scientist at CyI) leads the Regional Air Quality Modelling group of CARE-C. Experienced in integrated modelling systems that simulate simultaneously physical and chemical mechanisms in the atmosphere. Partner PI in projects on dust modelling and validation with ground and remote sensing data. (Co-)authored 70 research items (publications in peer-reviewed journals, chapters, proceedings). She will contribute to DC1.

Maria João Costa (UÉ),  Assoc. Prof. with Habil. at the Physics Dep., leads the Atmospheric Sciences, Water and Climate group at ICT and is Director of the UÉ PhD in Earth and Space Sciences. Experienced in aerosol and cloud physics, solar radiation, atmospheric radiative transfer and remote sensing. Supervision of DC7 and DC6.

Paulo Canhoto (UÉ), Assistant Prof. at the Mechatronics Engineering Dep., leads the Energy group at ICT and is Director of the UÉ MSc in Solar Energy Engineering. Experienced in renewable energy, solar radiation/energy, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics. Supervision of DC6.

Célia Antunes (UÉ), Assoc. Prof. at the Medical and Health Sciences Dep., Director of the UÉ BSc in Biomedical and Health Sciences. Experienced in biochemical air quality, allergens, exposure risk assessment and impacts on public health. Supervision of DC8.

Daniele Bortoli (UÉ), Assistant Prof. at the Physics Dep.,PT Delegate for Atmospheric Physics in the Arctic (member of AWG/IASC–Atmospheric Working Group/International Arctic Science Committee) and Antarctica (member of SCAR – Science Committee for Antarctic Research). PI at UÉ for Atmospheric Remote Sensing measurements and coordinator of PT participation in ACTRIS RI. Experienced in optoelectronic atmospheric instrumentation and air pollution control.  Senior researcher until 2019 when moved to a teaching career. Supervision of DC8.

Dr. Vassilis Amiridis (NOA) has been the PI and project scientist in 45 research projects and experimental campaigns (most notably the  ERC D-TECT project – “Does dust triboelectrification affect our climate?”). He will co-supervise DC3, and DC10, and host DC5, DC11, DC12, and DC14 on secondments.

Dr. Sotirios Mallios (NOA) is postdoctoral researcher at the National Observatory of Athens, having professional experience in atmospheric and plasma physics. He has been the head of data analysis department in the industry supervising 20+ employees. He will supervise and train DC9, and co-supervise DC4 and DC14.

Dr. Alexandra Tsekeri (NOA) has professional experience in the field of atmospheric remote sensing, including the development of aerosol models and scattering databases. She will supervise and train DC10 and contribute topical lectures.

Dr. Carlos Pérez García-Pando (BSC) is ICREA Research Professor and co-leader of the Atmospheric Composition (AC) Group at BSC (~42 people). He holds a long-term AXA Chair on Sand on Dust Storms, serves as PI of FRAGMENT, an ERC Consolidator Grant on dust research, is part of the Science Team of the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), and hosts the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Dust Regional Forecast Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe in the AC group. He will be the main supervisor of DC11, co-supervise DC12, DC13 and DC14, and co-host secondments DC1, DC5, DC9, DC10, and DC15.

Dr. María Gonçalves Ageitos (BSC and UPC) is Associate professor at the UPC and leader of the Dust, Aerosols and Climate Team within the AC group at BSC. Her research focuses on numerical modelling of mineral dust and its impacts on the climate system. She has participated in multiple national and European research projects, and she has a broad experience supervising and training students. She will be the main supervisor of DC12, co-supervise DC11, and co-host secondments DC1, DC5, DC9, DC10, and DC15.

Prof. Konrad Kandler (TUDa), full professor for Atmospheric Aerosol. Supervisor for DC13, co-supervisor for DC2 and DC4, and will contribute also to DC9 and DC10. Participation in advanced training. Significant participation in dust field research (joint research projects SAMUM, SAMUM-2, SALTRACE, A-LIFE, FRAGMENT, several national research projects on Saharan and Arctic dust).

Dr. Martina Klose (KIT) is leading a Helmholtz Young Investigator Group on mineral dust  at KIT. Prior to that, she won three competitive postdoctoral fellowships also focused on dust research. She co-organized and participated in several comprehensive dust field campaigns and one lab campaign, and she worked with and contributed to the development of four advanced dust models. She is a steering committee member of the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) and elected board member of the International Society of Aeolian Research. She will supervise DC14 and host secondments of  DC4, 11, and 12.

Dr Claire Ryder (University of Reading), Associate Professor in Mineral Dust, expertise in airborne observations, satellite retrievals, dust models and radiative effects. Ryder completed a 7-year NERC Independent Research Fellowship on dust and climate. Ryder recently led the ‘Dust Atmosphere Land Interactions in East Asia’ (PI) and ‘Metrology for Aerosol Optical Properties’ (University of Reading PI) projects. Ryder won ATMO-ACCESS funding to take UAV dust measurements in Cape Verde (2022) and UK funding to measure electric charge in dust transported to the UK (2023). She will supervise DC5, co-supervise of DC4 and DC7, host year 1 of DC7 for a double degree. Hosting of DC10, DC11 secondments to University of Reading.

Dr Chris Westbrook (University of Reading), Associate Professor in Meteorology. Westbrook is PI of a UK research council project to develop and exploit a unique multi-wavelength multi-angle scatterometer to study geometry and settling orientation of snowflakes, and is Co-I on a further project making the first Doppler radar measurements of clouds in the “G-band”. With Dacre, he was CoI on the R4Ash consortium, investigating multifrequency radars for characterising volcanic ash particles. Lead supervision and training of DC4, hosting DC9 on secondment.

Prof Helen Dacre (University of Reading), Professor of Meteorology and UK Met Office Joint Chair, expert in effects of meteorology on aerosol dispersion. Dacre won a Royal Meteorological Society’s Prize for research on volcanic ash clouds’ risk to aviation.  Dacre has 10 years’ experience of collaboration with the aviation industry including Rolls-Royce and the Civil Aviation Authority. Co-supervison of DC 5.

Dr. Stelios Kazadzis (PMOD-WRC) (DC15 supervisor, DC6 co-supervisor) is a senior researcher a PMODWRC with 25 years of experience in solar radiation and aerosol measurements. SK is the leader of the World aerosol Optical Depth Research and Calibration Center of WMO since 2015. He is a member of the WMO Scientific advisory group for aerosol measurements and member of the International Radiation Committee.

Prof. Dr. Louise Harra (ETHZ) is leader of the Solar Astrophysics group in D-PHYS in ETH (department of physics). She is also director of PMOD/WRC. She teaches at bachelor and MSc level and will co-supervise DC15.

Dr. Franck G. Wienhold (ETHZ) is a Senior Scientist with 30 years experience, developer of the COBALD sensor and other airborne instruments. He will help with the supervision of DC2.

Prof. Demetri Bouris (NTUA). Expertise in environmental flows, particle dispersion and deposition, thermal environmental engineering, urban flows, CFD, wind tunnel studies of atmospheric flows. He will co-supervise DC9.

Charikleia Meleti, Assist. Prof. (AUTH), with expertise in Atmospheric Physics, Solar spectral UV radiation, TOC, AOD, and air pollution. She will co-supervise DC10 (as academic supervisor).

Andrea Pozzer (MPIC) completed his BSc in Physics at the university of Padua (Italy) and Ph.D. at the University of Mainz, Germany, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany). After working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Cyprus Institute (Nicosia, Cyprus) and the International Center of Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy) he became research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. His main focus is on numerical modeling of atmospheric chemistry. He will co-supervise DC1.

Dr Rory Clarkson (Rolls Royce): Engineering Associate Fellow for protecting engines from environmental threats. Dr Clarkson is a recognised global expert on the impact that atmospheric particulates (e.g. mineral dust, volcanic ash, NaCl) have on aero gas turbine engines. He has worked in the field for 13 years, publishing several journal papers and receiving a number of awards. Will co-supervise DC5

Dr Ben T. Johnson (UK Met Office): Aerosol modelling, aerosol observations (aircraft and remote sensing), impacts of aerosol on radiation and climate.

Dr Melissa E. Brooks (UK Met Office): Model development, dust and aerosols in NWP models. Provision of NWP model data and imagery for flight campaigns or similar IOPs.

Dr. Diana Francis (KU), Head of ENGEOS lab, is an internationally-renown Atmospheric Scientist with a PhD in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences from Sorbonne Universités – Paris, France and more than 10 years in Academia and Scientific Research. Dr. Francis leads the Environmental and Geophysical Sciences (ENGEOS) lab at Khalifa Unviersity where she significantly contributes with her team to the development of Khalifa University’s research portfolio in Climate and Atmospheric sciences. She will host DC5 on a secondment.

Panos Choutris (EY), MSc (FASS Senior Manager, EY Climate Change and Sustainability Services) holds MSc in Risk Management & Financial Engineering from Imperial College London and MSc in Applied Maths & Physics from National Technical University of Athens. Previous experience in Risk Management Division of a leading bank in Cyprus, as Senior Manager for an Asset Management firm in London, and Director of Risk management for a multi-European Investment Group. He has extensive expertise in Risk Management, Statistical Modelling, Regulatory Compliance, Portfolio Optimization and Stress Testing. He will host DC6 on a secondment.

Dr. Elena Carra (PSA), Researcher at PSA. Holds B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, and another in Industrial Management Engineering, a MSc in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Sciences.  She integrates the team of the PSA Unit line-focus concentrating solar thermal technologies and she is involved with measurement of the atmospheric extinction of solar radiation in Thermal Solar Power Plants. She will host DC6 on a secondment.

Dr. Oleg Dubovik (GRASP-SAS), recognized expert in Earth sciences, aerosol characterization algorithms and remote sensing (satellite, ground-based and airborne). Oleg will host DC15’ secondment.

Dr. Yana Karol (GRASP-SAS), science officer and COO, specialised in remote sensing, in management of scientific projects and private-public partnerships. Yana will contribute with lectures.

Dr. Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri (ECoE) (Female, ORCHID 0000-0003-4836-8560), Senior Researcher and Head of the sector of Atmosphere and CARO NF. She has long experience in research projects (>25) at National and European level (RPF, FP7, H2020) related to remote sensing applications. Main scientific interest on mineral dust properties, climatic role and impact on cloud and precipitation formation and solar radiation. Has more than 50 journal publications, and will host DC15 on secondment..

Dr. Sara Basart (WMO), a leading expert on atmospheric composition air quality models, and Dr Joy Shumake-Guillemot leader of the World Health Organization/WMO Climate and Health Joint Office, tasked with better understanding the hurdles and implications associated with forecasting towards delivering a scientific product within a governmental organisation. Their previous experience forecasting meningitis in the Sahel and health impacts connected with sand and dust storms. They will host DC1 on secondment and contribute with lectures.

Prof. Jeroen Buters (ZAUM) started at our Center in 2001 as PI, and has been deputy director of the institute since 2009. He has over 20 years experience on (pollen and spore) induced allergic reactions. His publication record is significant (cumulative IF >400). J. Buters will host DC8 on secondment and will contribute to the lectures.

Dr. Inga Wessels (ZAUM) is an immunobiologist specialised in inflammatory reactions inside the lungs. She joined ZAUM in May 2023 and founded the research group “prevention”. Before, she was at the Institute of Immunology, University Hospital, RWTH Aachen University, focussing on the role of the innate immune system during inflammatory diseases of the lung. I. Wessels will be co-supervisor of DC8 and will contribute to the lectures.

Célia Antunes (C-TRAIL), UÉ representative at C-TRAIL and a researcher in this project (description above in the UÉ table), supervisor of DC8 and delivering a lecture.