Webinar for the Dust Doctoral Network hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
Today 21 August 2024 the Dust-DN coordinator Franco Marenco will give a webinar on Dust-DN. The presentation will overview Dust-DN, which has been designed to address gaps in the understanding of dust and its impacts by linking the different disciplines and methods. The aim is to train a team of early career scientists into overcoming compartmentalism in this field of science, and into developing a multi-disciplinary approach to mineral dust. Dust-DN will set up a network of academic and non-academic partners working on different aspects of dust research, and will coordinate a program of doctoral projects that will enhance knowledge across a broad range of fundamental, but linked, components of the atmospheric dust life cycle and its impacts. The projects will span across the disciplines of atmospheric sciences (dust processes, modelling, and remote sensing), geology (dust emissions and source regions), as well as the impacts on society and economic sectors.
For more details: https://dust03.bsc.es/news-events/events